Thursday, February 23, 2023

server panic

So... this was not your imagination:  We did, in fact, have a server panic on Saturday around 3:30pm, and I didn't actually notice until Tuesday. Suffice it to say, I need to set better alarms for this sort of thing. I also evidently let myself get distracted between bringing it back up and making the obligatory blog post. Not my best week.

Anyway, something stupid happened in a verb_args() call, and that's as much as I know at this point. I've turned up the checkpointing frequency to once per hour (it was at 24 hours and we lost about 23 hours of activity).

For future reference, if you're noticing LM down and you're not seeing anything about it here and it's been more than an hour (+ usual allowances for sleep if it's middle-of-the-night PST), you should feel free to DM me on Mastodon ( or Failbook -- sad to say, these channels seem to be more reliable than email these days.